Cynical Appraisers Lose: The Benefits of an Optimistic Mindset
People think that cynicism is a sign of intelligence. It’s not. We often think of cynics as realists, those who see the world for what

Choose Your Hard: The Paradox of Running Appraisal Teams
It’s hard to run a poorly managed appraisal department. It’s hard to run an efficient appraisal department. It’s hard to run a poorly managed appraisal

Can vs. Will: The Story of Two Chief Appraisers
Let me tell you a story of two Chief Appraisers. On paper, they’re nearly identical. Both seasoned, respected and running appraisal departments that keep their

Digital Banking Transformation: Why Most Fail and How to Fix It
Why do most digital banking transformations fail? Three top reasons. Why it matters. Digital transformation leads to better business outcomes, including increased customer acquisition, improved

Why Appraisers Are Terrified of Getting It Wrong
You know that feeling when you’re driving on the interstate, when suddenly, police lights flash and sirens blare behind you? That pit in your stomach

Your Data is Your Data
Realwired doesn’t mine/sell/contractually-confiscate ANY customer’s data. Period. We do, however, enable our YouConnect customers to use their data for reporting and analysis. Realwired provides a