Lighthouse vs Tugboat Appraisers
A lighthouse appraiser adopts an attitude of optimism, curiosity and coachability that enhances individual performance and the collective standards of the valuation profession. A tugboat

Appraisers 0 Accountants 1
I’m not interested in yesterday. It’s done. The biggest enemy to the valuation industry is protecting the status quo. Our valuation industry is at a

Appraisers Succeed or Fail Together
My wife and I plus some friends recently sailed in a 500 mile race on our 36 foot catamaran to Mexico from Florida. This trip

Canary in the Coal Mine
There’s an opportunity for appraisers with developers and investors to be a canary in the CRE coal mine. The buyer’s due diligence journey could START

Regulators camped in your offices
Many Chief Appraisers are dealing with FDIC auditors camped out in their office. The regulators are digging deep, very deep. The demands for meticulous documentation,

Appraisers and Data Integration: The Vital Pipelines
Appraisers undervalue their worth. The bank C-Suite is largely unaware of the market knowledge depth of their own appraisal department. Their approved appraiser vendors are