The future is clear for those who care to look
Can you see a future where: Your appraisal department hits their SLAs. Can you see a future where: Your appraisal firm delivers reports your clients want. If

Is appraisal bias conclusive?
I’ve written about appraisal bias, specifically the importance of the valuation community to participate in the narrative. Regardless of how appraisers feel about the issue, it doesn’t matter. What matters is for us to seize

Optimistic appraisers do better
As an appraisal department manager, why are you so worried about lender push back? If worrying has so many drawbacks, then why do you do it? A pessimist describes the state

You’re hired!
“You’re hired” are words rarely spoken in the valuation space. As commercial fee appraisers or appraisers in banks, we definitely can use the help. We’re

You’re closer now than you’ve ever been
Many of us have been creating, ordering and reviewing appraisals for years if not decades. Are you close to the finish line of implementing workflow software that gives your appraisal department a runner’s high? Runner’s

Appraiser leadership, how’s it going?
Are you at your breaking point? As appraiser managers or firm owners, we often work 10 hour days, but yet we don’t have time to get our work done. Does this sound familiar? Maybe it’s