The Glances Effect: A Digital Transformation Story

Riverstone Bank is struggling. Their efficiency ratio declining. Expenses as a percentage of revenue are increasing to an uncomfortable level. The fix – digital transformation with simplified integrations. Data is the new oil, but connecting to siloed legacy platforms is the pipe. Having a unified view across the Fiserv, Jack Henry, FIS, nCino, Abrigo, Salesforce, […]

The Comical Chronicles of a Chief Appraiser: Environmental Risk Shenanigans

Enjoy this guest blog by Andrew Bailey, REM, CSRP, President of ECA Risk Management. Our industry has long been aware that environmental risk can have a substantial impact on determining the appraised values of real estate. It’s essential for banks, investors, property owners, and, yes, regulators, to understand these impacts. But let me tell you […]

Lighthouse vs Tugboat Appraisers

A lighthouse appraiser adopts an attitude of optimism, curiosity and coachability that enhances individual performance and the collective standards of the valuation profession. A tugboat appraiser is one of complacency that stifles innovation, hinders progress and erodes competitive edge. This leads to stagnation and decline within our industry. It diminishes client satisfaction and deters new […]

Appraisers 0 Accountants 1

I’m not interested in yesterday. It’s done. The biggest enemy to the valuation industry is protecting the status quo. Our valuation industry is at a crossroads. I mean today. The shift has started. Do we continue to hold on to the past or look forward? Accountants are no longer just number-crunchers. They’re strategic advisors. Appraisers’ […]

Appraisers Succeed or Fail Together

My wife and I plus some friends recently sailed in a 500 mile race on our 36 foot catamaran to Mexico from Florida. This trip isn’t for the faint of heart. Pre-race weather report 25 knot winds gusting to 30 knots, 9 to 11 foot seas two days out on the Mexican side. Light trepidation […]

Canary in the Coal Mine

There’s an opportunity for appraisers with developers and investors to be a canary in the CRE coal mine. The buyer’s due diligence journey could START with an appraisal rather than at the end. No guess work. No wasted time. No wasted money. This can help the valuation industry move from being a “have to have” […]